Lib Tech Hot Knife

Hot Knife


Délka 153 cm
Efektivní hrana 114 cm
Šířka nose 29,1 cm
Šířka waist 25,1 cm
Šířka tail 29,1 cm
Backstance 0 cm
Stance 52-64 cm
Váha jezdce OD n/a
Váha jezdce DO n/a
Rádius 8,1 m
Šířka normal (do 10,5US)
Určení All-mountain Freestyle
Konstrukce Hybrid
Typ Pánské

13 520 Kč


The Hot Knife’s Magne-Traction® combined with C3 will give you the best edge hold you have ever had on ice and hardpack, and maximum stability and pop when it counts. Camber 3 technology is camber formulated for snowboarding, creating maximum power and optimized engagement along the entire edge. The mild positive curve between your feet improves carving edge hold and float in pow. If you want to rip the park and super pipe, or destroyed the entire mountain in the 90s and still do, the Hot Knife is your stick. Bases come in random colorways.

Art by Nick Russian

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