Lib Tech Cold Brew Narrows

Cold Brew Narrows


Délka 145 cm
Efektivní hrana 109 cm
Šířka nose 28,7 cm
Šířka waist 24,6 cm
Šířka tail 28,4 cm
Backstance 3,9 cm
Stance 47,5-61,5 cm
Váha jezdce OD n/a
Váha jezdce DO n/a
Rádius 8 m
Šířka normal (do 10,5US)
Určení All-mountain
Konstrukce Hybrid
Typ Dětské

11 990 Kč


A Directional all terrain freeride focused but freestyle ready design that includes a low entry directional nose for effortless float in the crud and pow creating a powerful, confidence building, low fatigue ride. Near mid-wide widths allow incredible toe drag free carving and improved float in the soft stuff. This board is absolutely brewed to perfection… we can’t even talk about how we made it available at this price point.

Art by Tim Zimmerman @fotomaxizoomdweebie

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