Lib Tech Box Scratcher Brandon Reis

Box Scratcher Brandon Reis


Délka 154 cm
Efektivní hrana 115 cm
Šířka nose 29,3 cm
Šířka waist 25,3 cm
Šířka tail 29,3 cm
Backstance 0 cm
Stance 52-64 cm
Váha jezdce OD n/a
Váha jezdce DO n/a
Rádius 8,2 m
Šířka normal (do 10,5US)
Určení All-mountain Freestyle
Konstrukce Hybrid
Typ Pánské

12 490 Kč

Produkt má 1 variantu Zobrazit všechny


The Box Scratcher is the creative rider’s go to fun stick. Guaranteed to improve your day by 20% (200% of the time) by tapping in to your right brain wave lengths and turning any mountain, hill, slope or patch into a magical shrediverse of infinite possibilities. This board has kept Jesse Burtner filming video parts for a thousand years and now it’s Brandon Reis’ daily launcher in the hunt for Moby Trick. Ride it weird!

Art by Christina "Pika" Burtner @pika_burtner

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