Gnu Snowboards Riders Choice

Riders Choice


Délka 151.5 cm
Efektivní hrana 113 cm
Šířka nose 29,2 cm
Šířka waist 25,1 cm
Šířka tail 29,2 cm
Backstance 0 cm
Stance 51-64 cm
Váha jezdce OD n/a
Váha jezdce DO n/a
Rádius 7,9/8,2 m
Šířka normal (do 10,5US)
Určení All-mountain
Konstrukce Hybrid
Typ Pánské

14 560 Kč


An unreal high performance asym design hand built by snowboarders using powerful, poppy environ-mentally friendly materials. A go too for Blake Paul this one is perfect for anything from Jackson Hole big mountain freestyle to small mountain jibbing all summer at Mt. Hood. Push the limits of what is possible on a snowboard and feel great doing it.

Art: GNU Art Dept. @gnusnowboards

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