Burton Talent Scout

Talent Scout


Délka 138 cm
Efektivní hrana 101,5 cm
Šířka nose 27,12 cm
Šířka waist 23,5 cm
Šířka tail 27,12 cm
Backstance 0 cm
Stance 48 cm
Váha jezdce OD 36 kg
Váha jezdce DO 54 kg
Rádius 6,5 m
Šířka normal (do 10,5US)
Určení All-mountain Freestyle
Konstrukce Camber
Typ Dámské

13 000 Kč


Bad-ass with a touch of sass in an action-packed board that’ll have you falling in love with camber all over again.

The Burton Talent Scout is on a mission to track down the best of park progression. A step up in pro-driven attitude from other twins, a camber profile gives riders the power, control, and finesse to thrive on all terrain. Designed to fit like a glove, the Talent Scout’s Off-Axis design aligns the Squeezebox core profiling and Frostbite Edges with the typical park rider’s stance, unlocking the board’s natural flex and edge hold for buttery smooth control.



Twin Shape

Twin Flex

FSC™ Certified Super Fly II™ 700G Core, Dualzone™ EGD™, Off-Axis Squeezebox

Women's Specific Triax™ Fiberglass

Sintered Base

The Channel™

Off-Axis Frostbite Edges
Super Sap® Epoxy
Infinite Ride™

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